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6 Reasons Why You Need A Wi-fi Booster When Working From Home in the Chicago Area

Updated: Jun 18, 2021

Wifi Booster in Chicago - Corsiga

Whether you’re in the bustling center of Chicago or in the midst of a sprawling suburb, there is one thing that urban Illinois living cannot survive without - connectivity. Internet access is no longer a modern, luxury commodity, but a necessary part of everyday life. From communicating with colleagues to accessing online resources, the ability to work from home rests on the assumption that we have a stable and reliable internet connection.

Once Wi-fi is installed, boosters or extenders maximize the connection you receive throughout your home, by amplifying the existing Wi-fi signal. Here are six reasons you should install a Wi-fi booster when working from home…

1. To boost your Wi-fi connection

It is common to have certain rooms in the house where you just can’t get Wi-fi, or bandwidth is very low, which can be frustrating when moving around your home, or trying to fit connected devices exactly where you want them. But it doesn’t have to be like that. A Wi-fi booster extends the coverage of your current wireless device, which is ideal if you need a connection over a large area. In order to ensure you receive Wi-fi over multiple floors, in all corners of your home, or ever in your yard or outbuilding, a Wi-fi extender can be installed.

Without the need to invest in further cables, costly gear or bulky infrastructure, coverage is enhanced.

2. The demands of technology are increasing

As technology advances, we need more bandwidth to meet the demand. For example, early connected gaming devices would use minimal data in order to connect to the internet and other devices around them. Nowadays, innovative gaming devices use technology like virtual reality and allow people all over the world to compete against each other. These kinds of functions require a much stronger connection in order to function.

Even simple tasks which never required a connection before, now rely on the internet. Instead of picking up the phone, we prefer to video chat or use social media to connect with colleagues and friends. The simplest of office tasks which were once a job for pen and paper are now completed online, where they can be shared and edited with ease.

3. More connected devices than ever before

The days when our phones and laptops were our only connected devices are well in the past. From smart TVs and fridges to automotive cars and connected homes on the horizon, more aspects of our lives are connected than ever before. In fact, the number of connected devices worldwide is due to hit 46 billion this year. Thanks to the introduction of 5G technology, this growth is not about to slow down.

Of course with more connected devices, comes more demand for Wi-fi. Working from home means that your whole house effectively becomes an office or classroom, in particular when multiple members of the family require time online. As we work and study from our dining tables, our bedrooms, or our living room sofas, every room in the house needs a reliable connection.

4. Loading, lagging and latency

Latency is the technical term for a delay in connection. It is what causes long loading times for web pages, and that annoying buffer when you’re trying to watch videos. As consumers, we have become more impatient over time, and our connectivity expectations are very high. We’re not willing to wait for videos to buffer, or our social media pages to load slowly as we scroll.

But despite being a persistent annoyance, latency is not always just an inconvenience. Some applications need a real-time connection to function, making latency an absolute deal-breaker. When it comes to video calling, which has offered a life-line to many throughout the pandemic, latency is unacceptable. When working from home, video calling allows us to have meetings, and work with our colleagues from wherever we are in the world. A delay of even a few seconds makes a natural conversation near impossible and makes images jump and freeze.

5. The new norm?

As a result of the pandemic, many people began working from home over the last year. While that time may now be coming to an end, many have the infrastructure in place to work from home, and are seeing benefits like no lengthy commutes, or access to all of their home comforts throughout the workday. There are also additional benefits for employers, who can rent a smaller office space, or no longer have to contribute to the cost of commuting via expenses. And as long as people have a thorough and strong Wi-fi connection throughout the home, this is an aspect of the last year that is likely to remain peppered into post-pandemic life.

Global Workplace Analytics predict that 56% of the U.S. workforce holds a job that is compatible (at least partially) with remote work. Despite only 3.6% of people working from home, it is thought that the longer people are required to stay away from the office, we will see a larger adoption of working from home when possible.

6. One router fits all

Of course, to reach every corner of your home with an internet connection, multiple access points can be installed. This does however mean that devices may try and connect to both, especially if they have previously been paired, causing them to flick back and forth between access points. The result may be a more disrupted connection, especially when using applications that require a real-time connection, than when you were relying on one access point.

A single access point, extended throughout the home, increases the likelihood of a smooth and stable connection.

While working remotely, Wi-fi extenders offer a stable internet connection throughout your entire home. Whether you are situated in Naperville, Saint Charles, Geneva, Elmhurst, Mokena, Orland Park, Lombard or Glen Ellyn II, Corsiga will go above and beyond to find a Wi-fi booster that is right for you.

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